Page 73 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
P. 73

The operating principle of
             Sparklike Laser™ Online

           Diode Laser Absorption    detector from the first sur-  nal in order to obtain accu-  Laser™ Online device, is
           Spectroscopy  (TDLAS).    face of the second pane.   rate dimensions of the IG.   enjoying well-deserved at-
           By using this technology,   In addition, with a triple in-  This, in return, enables   tention.
           the devices measure oxy-  sulating glass units, the la-  the calculation of the gas
           gen and from there, the   ser beam goes through two   concentration(s).      IG line integrated
           amount of argon, krypton   panes and is reflected from   Taking into considera-  quality control
           or other insulating gas, can   the third pane.      tion the glass industry’s   This device was developed
           be calculated.            Finally, in order to get the   shift towards being able   since customers were look-
           As can be seen from the im-  focused laser beam to the   to conduct traceable qual-  ing for a way to conduct
           age “How laser measures   correct measuring point,   ity control throughout the   non-stop quality control.
           the IGU”, when measur-    the IG dimensions are first   production chain, as well   In other words, the online
           ing the gas concentration   scanned. This is done by   as the industry’s grow-  version is a custom-made
           inside an IG unit, the laser   moving the focused laser   ing interest towards IoT,   and automated solution,
           beam goes through the first   beam through the IG and   the newest member of the   where Sparklike delivers
           pane and is reflected to the   collecting the reflected sig-  product line, Sparklike   the measurement compo-

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