Page 34 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
P. 34

         company meetings


                                              country, so an occasion like this   This year the longest day in the
                                              is also an opportunity for social   northern hemisphere coincides
                                              interaction and this is a big factor   with the Symposium. We expect
                                              in deciding to accept invitations.   to make the most of the oppor-
                                                                               tunities offered by this interna-
                                              HAMBURG                          tional gathering of experts and
                                                And, last but not least, we    enthusiasts.
                                              come to the venue – Hamburg.
                                              A dynamic cosmopolitan city that   CONTRIBUTORS
                                              is a symbol of survival, recon-    Some of the contributors to
                                              struction, renewal, enterprise,   the varied and interesting sympo-
                                              and freedom to find its own way   sium programme are:
                                              in a changing world. It has been   Ernst Raue, formerly Head of
                                              a great seaport for over 1,000   CeBIT and a leading IoT Expert;
                                              years, trading not only in goods   Premal Denali, CFO and CF
             location and venue – a hotel –   but also in ideas. Now, once     Strategy, Thyssenkrupp Steel
             then we had to develop a content   again, it is where Europe meets   Europe; Erik Nielsen, Head of
             structure and settle on a motto.   the world and the world meets   Economics, UniCredit. O
             Next, we had to find people who   Germany. It is a very appropri-
             are prepared to give a presenta-  ate location for our symposium.
             tion. At the moment we are at    Hotel LeMeridien is set right
             the stage of sending out invita-  on the Alster in the heart of the
             tions. We expect to have about   old city, where the past rubs
             60 to 80 senior managers from    shoulders with the innovative
             glass plants all over the world. Of   new HafenCity. Like seaports the
             course, not all the time is devoted   world over, Hamburg has learned   HEYE INTERNATIONAL
             to speakers and their scheduled   to balance work and play, and              GmbH
             presentations. A very important   enjoy its freedom to set its own
             aspect is the possibility it affords   sails and follow its own course,   Lohplatz 1, 31683 Obernkirchen - Germany
                                                                                       Tel.: +49 - 5724 - 260
             for people to meet and make con-  so there is something for every-
                                                                                      Fax: +49 - 5724 - 26539
             tacts. It is not easy for people to   one. Time has also been allocated   E-mail:
             meet up when they are all busy in   at the Symposium for networking
             their own glassworks in their own   and social activities.

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