Page 37 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
P. 37

Paolo Panza,  Manager-
                                                                               COMPANY NEWS
               Sales Area of Olivotto

            Glass Technologies SpA

         talked to Glass Machinery

         Plants & Accessories about
               his company’s recent

       successes in India and of his

         impressions of the markets                                                                              company news

                 in India and China.

        Olivotto Glass Technologies

         SpA provides engineering,

          manufacture, installation,
                 and commissioning

             services of hollow glass

       forming plants, systems and

          machines. The company

               was founded in 1946

           and is headquartered in

                      Avigliana, Italy.

                                              Tableware Success
                        Canice Murray

                    livotto has been involved   egory and are acquiring Western   recently signed two contracts, one
                    with glass production in   consumption patterns and one    was our first with Borosil for one
             OIndia for more than 30          manifestation of this is a grow-  spinning and a press, and the
             years. Originally we were supply-  ing demand for good quality glass   other with La Opala for our fourth
             ing technology for making glass   tableware – which is new to India.   expansion of their plant since they
             funnels for TV tubes with the    There is a preference for opal   started with a furnace ten years
             Lynch brand – but that has all dis-  glass, indeed opal tableware from   ago. This time again a spinning
             appeared into the past – and now   India is rightfully prized for its   machine, so we can see there is
             we are seeing a growing Indian   quality, and in the eyes of the con-  confidence in this growing sector.
             interest in opal glass tableware.  sumer it is probably seen as a sub-  For La Opala, where the main
                                              stitute for porcelain which has not   production is plates, bowls and
             CHANGING TASTES                  had a very strong position on the   cups, spinning machines are prob-
               Until very recently Indians pre-  subcontinent. There was very little   ably the most important, but we
             ferred metal or even plastic table-  domestic production, most of the   have more than 25 years experi-
             ware, but with the development   glassware was imported so now    ence in producing these machines.
             of the economy, large numbers    we expect considerable investment   We are also working quite well
             of Indians are moving up into    in new plant to cope with the    with machines for tubular glass for
             the middle socio-economic cat-   new growing demand. We have      lighting and pharmaceutical appli-

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