Page 42 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 6/2017
P. 42

        Software specialists

            use this experience in our system.   ment that this will become part of   free of charge for our customers
            And this experience is shared by   the system. Obviously, the client   as it is we at Vertech' who have
            everybody because it goes into    may not agree to have the develop-  decided to use them. On the
            our software. Vertech' has, in    ment made public, but if we know   other hand, if a customer asks
            fact, one software base, which is   that this particular development   us for special developments or
            developed and adapted as per the   can be useful for the system we   changes in a short time, these
            needs and demands of each of      inform them that it will be made   changes have a cost. But it will
            our customers.                    public. On the other hand, we    still be included in the system
                                              also make special developments,   because we have a ‘versioning’
               GMP&A: So this means that you custo-  especially with regards to quality   system – a SIL system which is
            mize your software totally for your clients?  procedures, for customers, and   updated each year. Right now
               Vertech': Not totally, it’s more   these are only for them.     we have the 2017 version and
            like fine tuning because the struc-  At Vertech' we have a spe-     next year there will be the 2018
            ture of the software is the same   cial database where we have all   version.
            wherever it is installed, and we   the requests of our customers –
            just make some small ‘tweaks’     about 600 – and then we choose     GMP&A: When you’re saying that your
            based on the use of the software   which developments we want to   changes and upgrades are in the system,
            by the company, according to the   carry out. These development    how can your clients use these upgrades?
            processes and procedures it uses.   can then be shared by everyone.  Vertech': Vertech' provides
            This is especially important for                                   maintenance contracts, and every
            quality procedures for example,     GMP&A: So this is the ‘push’ that   year we go to our clients to do an
            which are internal procedures     makes glassworks choose you) They   audit of the system, we inform
            which are secret and which we     have the possibility of all this ‘shared’   them about what needs to be
            cannot make public.               information and development which   changed, removed and upgraded.
               If we are speaking about more   they can all benefit from.       This means that we are there
            general developments, we inform     Vertech': All all these shared   at the plants of our customers
            the clients and request their agree-  developments and changes are   for two to three days during

                glass machinery plants & accessories 6/2017
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