Page 54 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2018
P. 54

         Company growth and development
                                               ness according to distance or   national and international level.
                                                                               56 AWARDS IN TEN YEARS
                                              Factory quality laboratories and   One of the aims of the Product
                                              chemical laboratories            Design Center is to create high-
                                                Factory quality laboratories   quality designs for its custom-
                                              are equipped with high and latest   ers that will receive awards at
                                              technology to carry out all kinds   prestigious national and interna-
                                              of analyses. These laboratories   tional competitions. Awards at
                                              use the fastest and most reliable   international competitions such
                                              methods, as well as special chem-  as Worldstar organized by WPO
                                              ical agents to get the best results.  (World Packaging Organization)
                                                                               and AsiaStar by APF (Asian
                                              Latest technology for production   Packaging  Federation)   are
                                              and control machines             the pride of the SĎisĎecam  Glass
                                                There are specific technolo-    Packaging Group as the produc-
                                              gies which are developed by pro-   er and designer as much as they
                                              duction and control machine      are of the brands that own the
                                              manufactures. Ruscam observes    products. The Product Design
                                              and follows these improvements   Center has a proven track record
                                              and obtains the necessary ones.  with 56 awards in ten years.
                                                For example, high technology
                                              control cameras enables better   UNIVERSITY – INDUSTRY
                                              quality control. The high speed,   COLLABORATION PROJECTS
                                              high resolution and high sensi-    The first time SĎisĎecam  Glass
                                              tivity properties of the cameras   Packaging collaborated with
                                              eliminate defects.               universities for glass packag-
                                                                               ing design dates back to 2004
                                              DESIGN CENTER                    when the Group worked with the
                                                The SĎisĎecam  Glass Packaging   Istanbul Technical Universities
                                              Group holds an important place   (ITU) Department of Industrial
                                              in glass packaging production    Product Design, which paved the
                                              both in Turkey and the world     way in later years to expand-
                                              thanks to its innovative and crea-  ing such collaborations with the
                                              tive approach. Since 2006 the    industrial design departments of
                                              Group has been responding to     other universities and turning
                                              the demands of consumers and     this into a tradition.
                                              brands with unique glass packag-   The main aim of collaborating
                                              ing designs created by its Product   with universities is to introduce
                                              Design Center.                   design students to the glitter-
                                                The work by the Center targets   ing world of glass packaging; to
                                              the end user and involves indus-  help them create new designs
                                              trial design, graphic design, and   and form their design portfo-
                                              lid and cap technologies, mak-   lio. During the project, students
                                              ing the SĎisĎecam Glass Packaging   received information on all tech-
                                              Group an important solution      nical aspects and got the oppor-
                                              partner at the design phase for   tunity to personally witness glass
                                              customers seeking innovation.    packaging production at plants.
                                              The innovative and creative glass
                                              packaging designs, which are the   NEW PRODUCT
                                              fruit of the work done jointly by   DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS
                                              a group of industrial designers,   The Product Design Center
                                              engineers, and technical experts   applies for new patents for its
                                              as well as the extensive experi-  new product development pro-
                                              ence of the Group in this area,   jects and expands existing mar-
                                              have won many awards at the      kets with its different system

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