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designs while also creating new
                   markets. SĎisĎecam  aim with new          SĎisĎecam invests in its highest
                   product development projects,         capacity glass packaging furnace
                   which provide sustainable added
                   value to customers as well as       .BLJOH TJHOJmDBOU DPOUSJCVUJPO UP UIF 5VSLJTI FDPOPNZ BOE FNQMPZNFOU
                   the company, is to expand the       SĎisĎFDBN (SPVQ XJMM JODSFBTF JUT BOOVBM HMBTT QBDLBHJOH QSPEVDUJPO DBQB-
                   market with innovative product      DJUZ JO 5VSLFZ UP     NJMMJPO UPOT UPHFUIFS XJUI UIF MBVODI PG UIF OFX GVS-
                   designs.                            OBDF XJUI BO BOOVBM QSPEVDUJPO DBQBDJUZ PG         UPOT UP CF FRVJQQFE
                                                       XJUI UIF MBUFTU *OEVTUSZ     UFDIOPMPHJFT
                                                       1SPG  "INFU ,‘SNBO  4ĎisĎFDBN (SPVQ T %FQVUZ $IBJSNBO BOE $&0  TUBUFE
                   Double-Chain Twist-Off Head
                                                       UIBU UIFZ DPOUJOVF UP BEE WBMVF UP 5VSLFZ  BOE BEEFE  i0VS (SPVQ IBT
                      Used for the first time through-  JOWFTUFE JUT QSPDFFET HFOFSBUFE GPS NPSF UIBO    ZFBST TJODF UIF WFSZ mSTU
                   out the world, this innovative      EBUF PG JUT GPVOEBUJPO CBDL UP PVS DPVOUSZ  BOE IBT OPX DPNF UP B TUSPOH
                   idea uses a single mould instead    HMPCBM QPTJUJPO JO JUT mFME  4ĎisĎFDBN (SPVQ DPOUJOVFT JUT PQFSBUJPOT XJUI UIF
                   of two, offering an economical      BJN PG BDIJFWJOH JUT TVTUBJOBCMF HSPXUI UBSHFUT  8F XJMM CF MBVODIJOH PVS
                   solution appropriate to the peri-   MBSHFTU HMBTT QBDLBHJOH GVSOBDF JO 5VSLFZ BT B SFTVMU PG UIJT JOWFTUNFOU w
                   odical needs of customers.          8JUI  UIF  GPVSUI  GVSOBDF  UP  CF  QVU  JOUP  PQFSBUJPO  JO  JUT  &TLJTĎFIJS  (MBTT
                                                       1BDLBHJOH  1MBOU   4ĎisĎFDBN  (SPVQ  BEET  POF  NPSF  UP  JUT  JOWFTUNFOUT  JO
                                                       5VSLFZ   0QFSBUJOH  VOEFS  UIF  CPEZ  PG  4ĎisĎFDBN  (SPVQ   4ĎisĎFDBN  (MBTT
                   Funny Finish
                                                       1BDLBHJOH  QMBOT  UP  QVU  JOUP  PQFSBUJPO  JUT  OFX  GVSOBDF  CVJMU  XJUI  BO
                      The ‘Funny Finish’ concept       JOWFTUNFOU PG 5-     NJMMJPO  JO UIF TFDPOE IBMG PG
                   makes it possible to apply figures   5IF XPSME T mGUI MBSHFTU HMBTT QBDLBHJOH NBOVGBDUVSFS XJUI B UPUBM QSP-
                   such as hearts or flowers on the     EVDUJPO WPMVNF PG     NJMMJPO UPOT ZFBS JO GPVS DPVOUSJFT JODMVEJOH 5VSLFZ
                   mouth of the bottle, which is a     SĎisĎFDBN  (MBTT  1BDLBHJOH  XJMM  IBWF  JODSFBTFE  JUT  BOOVBM  QSPEVDUJPO
                   quite limited area, and consti-     DBQBDJUZ JO 5VSLFZ UP     NJMMJPO UPOT BT B SFTVMU PG JUT NPTU SFDFOU GVSOBDF
                   tutes an answer to the claim that   JOWFTUNFOU JO JUT &TLJTĎFIJS 1MBOU
                   “what can be done in terms of       5VSLFZ T  MBSHFTU  HMBTT  QBDLBHJOH  NBOVGBDUVSFS  XJUI  JUT  UISFF  QMBOUT  JO
                   form has been done already.”        #VSTB  &TLJTĎFIJS BOE .FSTJO  4ĎisĎFDBN (MBTT 1BDLBHJOH IBE JODSFBTFE JUT
                                                       DBQBDJUZ JO 5VSLFZ UP   NJMMJPO UPO BT B SFTVMU PG JUT JOWFTUNFOU PG 5-
                                                       NJMMJPO NBEF JO +VOF
                   Olive Oil Bottle with Aerosol Head  $PNNFOUJOH  PO  UIF  OFX  JOWFTUNFOU   1SPG   "INFU  ,‘SNBO   %FQVUZ
                      This design allows olive oil to   $IBJSNBO BOE $&0 PG 4ĎisĎFDBN (SPVQ  TUBUFE UIBU UIFZ XFSF UIF UIJSE MBS-
                   be used in a practical way at the   HFTU NBOVGBDUVSFS PG HMBTTXBSF BOE UIF mGUI MBSHFTU NBOVGBDUVSFS PG HMBTT
                   table with a single use aerosol     QBDLBHJOH  BOE  nBU  HMBTT  UPEBZ   BOE  DPOUJOVFE   i*O  BEEJUJPO  UP  SBOLJOH
                   bottle, allowing customers to fill   BNPOH UIF UPQ    TPEB QSPEVDFST PG UIF XPSME  XF BSF BMTP UIF XPSME
                   the glass bottles with no altera-   MFBEFS JO DISPNJVN DIFNJDBMT  $POUJOVJOH JUT QSPEVDUJPO BDUJWJUJFT JO
                   tion to their filling line.          DPVOUSJFT   PVS  (SPVQ  TUSFOHUIFOT  JUT  DBQBDJUZ  BOE  UFDIOPMPHJDBM  QPXFS
                                                       XJUI  JUT  JOOPWBUJPO   DSFBUJWJUZ   FYQFSUJTF  BOE  RVBMJmFE  IVNBO  GPSDF   BOE
                                                       MPPLT UPXBSE UIF GVUVSF XJUI USVTU UIBOLT UP JUT QSPEVDU BOE TFSWJDF RVBMJUZ
                   Petite                              NFFUJOH UIF DIBOHJOH NBSLFU OFFET w
                      A different communication        /PUJOH  UIBU  UIFZ  DPOUJOVF  UP  BEE  WBMVF  UP  5VSLFZ   ,‘SNBO  BEEFE   i0VS
                   field has been created with the      (SPVQ IBT JOWFTUFE JUT QSPDFFET HFOFSBUFE GPS NPSF UIBO    ZFBST TJODF
                   petite bottle, in which details     UIF WFSZ mSTU EBUF PG JUT GPVOEBUJPO CBDL UP PVS DPVOUSZ  BOE IBT OPX UP
                   such as product name and logo       B  TUSPOH  HMPCBM  QPTJUJPO  JO  JUT  mFME   4ĎisĎFDBN  (SPVQ  DPOUJOVFT  JUT  PQF-
                   have been applied to the seal       SBUJPOT XJUI UIF BJN PG BDIJFWJOH JUT TVTUBJOBCMF HSPXUI UBSHFUT  8F XJMM
                   field, and as a next step, visual    IBWF PQFOFE PVS MBSHFTU HMBTT QBDLBHJOH GVSOBDF JO 5VSLFZ BT B SFTVMU
                                                       PG UIJT JOWFTUNFOU  BOE IBWF NBEF POF NPSF DPOUSJCVUJPO UP UIF DPVOUSZ
                   richness has been enhanced by
                   the creation of wing-like pockets   FDPOPNZ w
                                                       3FNJOEJOH  UIBU  &TLJTĎFIJS  (MBTT  1BDLBHJOH  1MBOU  XBT  GPVOEFE  JO
                   within the bottle.
                                                       ,‘SNBO TBJE  i"T B SFTVMU PG PVS GPVSUI GVSOBDF JOWFTUNFOU JO UIJT QMBOU
                                                       XF BSF OPX QSPVE UP NBLF POF NPSF DPOUSJCVUJPO UP CPUI UIF DPVOUSZ T
                   IN HOUSE DESIGN                              FDPOPNZ  BOE  QSPEVDUJPO  JO  &TLJTĎFIJS   XIFSF  XF  IBWF  CFFO
                   UNIT IN RUSSIA                                       DPOUJOVJOH PVS QSPEVDUJPO BDUJWJUJFT GPS GPVS ZFBST w
                      SĎisĎecam   Glass                                 4UBUJOH UIBU 4ĎisĎFDBN (SPVQ DPOUJOVPVTMZ SFOPWBUFT
                   Packaging in-house                                   JUT FYJTUJOH GBDJMJUJFT JO SFTQPOTF UP UIF UFDIOPMPHJDBM
                   design unit gives its      We have made one          EFWFMPQNFOUT  ,‘SNBO TBJE  i8JUI UIF GPVSUI GVSOB-
                   customers the oppor-                                  DF  UP  CF  MBVODIFE  JO  &TLJTĎFIJS  (MBTT  1BDLBHJOH
                   tunity to materialize   more contribution to both      1MBOU   XF  XJMM  DPOUJOVF  UP  DBSSZ  PVU  QSPEVDUJPO
                                                                          BDUJWJUJFT XJUI MBUFTU BWBJMBCMF UFDIOPMPHZ  8F XJMM
                   their ideas and adjust    the country’s economy        FRVJQ UIJT GVSOBDF JO BDDPSEBODF XJUI *OEVTUSZ
                   packages both to             and production.          SFRVJSFNFOUT w
                   manufacturing capa-

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