Page 34 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 34

                                                                               way of managing containers and
                                                                               their contents. It enables to trace
                                                                               the origin of a bottle at any time,
                                                                               while providing information such
                                                                               as the exact time of production at
                                                                               the hot-end, cavity number, line
                                                                               number and even more.

                                                                               HOT-END LASER ENGRAVING
                                                                                  Total Tracer is Tiama’s
                                                                               machine placed at the hot-end to
                                                                               engrave this unique code on every
                                                                               container produced. Thanks to its
                                                                               CO2 laser, accuracy of engrav-
                                                                               ing on a very small area of glass
                                                                               allows very high quality of engrav-
                                                                               ing, with a level of precision that
                                                                               prevents counterfeiting. Indeed,
                                                                               it is easy to add a fake code on
                                                                               the glass once the bottle is on the
                                                                               market, but impossible to obtain
                                                                               the same quality compared to
                                                                               what we are doing at 500°C or
                                                                                  A standard matrix is a
                                                                               16-column per 16 lines, 8mm
                                                                               x 8mm square, and offers 24
                                                                               numerical digits encoded.
                                                                                  It is almost invisible and can be
                                                                               placed on several locations such
                                                                               as heel or neck.
                                                                                  Tiama offers the opportunity
                                                                               to encode additional information
                 he industrial world of glass    affect the pressure resistance   such as plant number, GS1 ID
                 is quickly evolving just like   of the container. Plus, it has   or any internal data that could be
             T the needs of glassmakers,         no value for glassmakers.     useful for tracing.
             bottlers and final consumers.      2. Hot-end marking with alpha-     Total Tracer can also engrave
               Today, traceability counts as     numeric digits improves qual-  a combination of datamatrix and
             one of the growing challenges,      ity and process management,   digits, to have additional readable
             and the requested level of quality   but this kind of code is not   information for operators.
             keeps increasing.                   readable automatically and no
               Counterfeiting, distribution      longer  responds to bottlers’
             channels control, returnable        requests.
             loops, marketing needs and con-   3. 10 years ago, Tiama decided,
             sumer safety are topics pushing     as the pioneer, to develop
             the beverage industry to rethink    datamatrix encoding at the
             its strategy of the global process,   hot-end. This code pre-
             from the glassmaker to the con-     sents many advantages as it
             sumer.                              is unique, secure, redundant
               In order to satisfy this need,    and resistant on every con-
             the glass industry is providing     tainer and remains all along
             three solutions:                    the product life cycle, from
              1. Cold-end marking, which is a    the gob to the final consumer.
                limited solution to add a serial
                number on the container but     Individual container traceabil-
                can also damage the glass and   ity will drastically shake up the

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