Page 37 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 37


            BORMIOLI ROCCO,

             SGRPRO, STARA GLASS                                                                                  Energy-saving

                                                       approach to an

                                                      energy monitoring

             Being able to have eeeeiinngg aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbble to hhhhaaaavvvveeeee
             B B B B B B
             a a a
             a clear idea of the  cccllleeeaarr iidddeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa oooofff ttthhhee   system for glass
                                                     melting furnaces
             p p p p p p
             performance of eeeeerrrfffffffoooorrrrmmmaanncceeeeee ooooooooooofff
             glass furnaces is not
             g g gllaaaaasssssssss fffffuuurrnnaaceeeessssss iss nnnnnnnooooooooooooot
             a a a a annnnnn  eeeeaaasssssyyyy aaaaasssspppeeeeeeccccctttttt,,,,,
             an easy aspect,

             d d d d d duuuuueeee tttooo a seeeerrrrrriiiiiieeeeeeeeesssss ooooooooooofffffff
             due to a series of
             c c c c chhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrraaaacctttteeeeerrriiiisssttttiiiccccsss sssssssssuuuuuuuucccccchhhhhh
             characteristics such
                                                                             Figure 1 – Example of heat
             a a a a a a a a asssssssssss   pppppppppooooooolllllluuuttiiioooonn annnnddddd
             as pollution and                                                           balance output
             e e e e e e e e e enneeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrggggggggyyyy, fffffooooorrrr eeeeeeeeexxxxxxaaaaammmmpppppllllleeeeee.
             energy, for example.
             I I I I I I I Innnnnnnnnnnn  tttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiisssssssss aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrttttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiicccllee wwwwwweeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrreeeeee
             In this article we are
             taken through the
             t t t t t taaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnn tttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrooooooooooooooouughhhhhhhhh   tttttthhhhhheeeeeeeeeeee
             t t t t t t t t t t t t t t teeeessssttttttttss  ccccccccccaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeedd ouuuuuuttt
             tests carried out
             on 20 furnaces to
             o o o o o o onnnnn 222220000 ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaccccccccccceeeeeesss tttttttttttoooooooooooooooo
             o o o o obbttainn tttttttttthhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiir eeeeennnnnneeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggyyyyyyyyyyyy
             obtain their energy

             c c c c c c c c c coooooooonssuumppttionnn llleeeeeeeeeeeevveeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllsssssssssss.....
             consumption levels.
                                                     ne of the most challeng-  as an evaluation of one furnace’s
                                                     ing aspects of such an    performance over time.
                                              Oenergy-intense sector as           This is a problem with differ-
                           A. Bussolati,
                                              glass melting is the classification of   ent valences and different points
              M. Marchegiani, L. Tosini
                         BORMIOLI ROCCO       the various furnaces’ performance   of view that enable, on the one
                                              in terms of energy, pollution and   hand, to verify design conditions
                       A. Mola - SGRPRO
                                              other aspects, as comparison     (and if necessary improve them)
               E. Cattaneo - STARA GLASS      between the different furnaces, and   with consequences on the design

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