Page 39 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 39

Or, if we want to ana-
             lyze the situation from
             another point of view, we
             can consider that, com-
             pared to a 60 m2 furnace,
             a 100 m2 furnace allows
             a specific consumption
             reduction of 6.2 per cent
             at 3 ton/m2day and of 8.2
             per cent at 2 ton/m2day
             as reported before.
               It is important to face
             these aspects with an ana-
             lytic approach, because
             the common practice of
             utilizing furnaces of dif-
             ferent sizes for different
             productions tends to dis-
             tort observations.                                                   Figure 3: Y trend on furnace
               It is, in any case, possible to   FURNACE COMPARISON               surface for different specific pull
             estimate an expected consump-      Twenty furnaces were analyzed     (Ton/m2d), where Y is the ratio
             tion, depending on the primary   during the entireness or almost of   between the specific consumption
                                                                                  of each furnace and the specific
             production information. This     their campaigns, based on their     consumption of a 60m2 reference
             article analyzes the effect of a   thermal balance, and a compari-   furnace
             thermal-dynamic approach to      son between previsions and out-
             consumption evolution by dis-    comes was made. For reasons
             criminating between the sensible   connected to data homogeneity,   monthly, thus further feeding the
             production data and a certain    we decided to compare the fur-   uncertain part of the measure.
             unavoidable background noise,    naces based on their pull, cullet   The first examined furnace
             depending on the approximation   percentage and boosting utili-   produces domestic glass and it
             of data detection and on the most   zation percentage, while other   was followed for the 96 months
             obvious indeterminations char-   parameters were considered to    of its campaign. The specific
             acterizing every industrial (and   affect the non-explained variabil-  consumption is plotted with its
             human) process.                  ity. Consumption was evaluated   data dispersion in Figure 4.

             Figure 4 – Specific consumption
             of example furnace 1 vs its life

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