Page 38 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 38

             sector and on optimizing and sta-  mal nature, such as bottom tem-  energy performance, and this can
             bilizing conduction, with benefits   perature, crown temperature or   be based on the evaluation of
             also on the quality of the glass   throat glass temperature.      furnace heat balance, in its input
             produced.                          Most running furnaces are set   and output voices.
               For example, the correlation   to collect the values of all param-  This classification enables
             between furnace consumption      eters influencing production, thus   to quantify the result of design
             and other parameters such as     providing the possibility of func-  choices and operational settings
             pull or cullet utilization is known,   tional monitoring that compares   in a more precise way. For exam-
             but it is generally evaluated on   the actual performance with the   ple, the size of a furnace affects
             a quality level and it makes the   foreseen and budgeted one. This   its thermal loss and, secondarily,
             numerical comparison of furnac-  comparison has to be extended    its leakages and infiltrations.
             es that operate in different situa-  to the dimension of time, since   It is obvious how thermal loss-
             tions difficult.                  all thermal systems suffer from a   es, both from plain structures
                                              non-completely predictable aging   and thermal bridges, increase
             GLASS FURNACES,                  that affects the consumption sig-  with the furnace surface, but
             WORKING CONDITIONS               nificantly.                       not in a proportional way, which
             AND PERFORMANCE                                                   means that at the increase of the
               It should be taken in account   Specific consumption             furnace size, the ratio between
             that, generally speaking, glass    Considering the most elemen-   thermal loss and produced glass
             furnaces do not work in constant   tary measure of furnace energy   decreases, thus decreasing spe-
             and stable conditions; they are, in   performance, specific consump-  cific consumption. The more the
             fact subject to pull changes, col-  tion [MJ/ton], we can see how   furnace size increases, the less
             our, cullet and energy variations,   this evolves depending on many   evident the effect of thermal loss
             not to mention the controlled    parameters, not all under control.  is, as shown in Figure 2, where
             and uncontrolled variability con-  For example, the specific con-  the specific consumption of a
             nected to the batch, in term of   sumption of a 60-tpd furnace is   same production is evaluated at
             composition and humidity.        not comparable to a 280-tpd fur-  three different levels of specific
               The furnace operator compen-   nace. Other differing parameters   pull for different furnace sizes.
             sates these variations by acting   such as cullet and boosting uti-
             on control parameters such as    lization or required quality level
             fuel flow, boosting power and/    make different furnaces harder
             or distribution, batch-charging   to compare.
             strategy, etc., aiming at ‘par-    It is therefore necessary to use       Figure 2 – The effect of the
             tial goals’ typically of a ther-  a modelling approach to furnace   furnace surface on the MJ/ton (tpd)
                                                                                         for different specific pull

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