Page 40 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 40

               The consumption average value   trend, the standard deviation is   This index, in a first approxi-
             is 6039 MJ/ton, and the standard   reduced to 749 MJ/ton, and it   mation, does not depend on the
             deviation is 884 MJ/Ton.  The    therefore is still displaying a high   most impacting operating condi-
             consumption increase during the   margin of unexplained variation.  tions and it explains in the most
             campaign is evident and it can     If we use modelling that con-  complete way the time evolution
             be described by a straight line   siders pull, and cullet and boost-  of the energy performance, as the
             such as the one in the figure, that   ing percentage, we identify an   value R2=0.909 shows.
             displays a correlation coefficient   expected consumption depend-     In statistical terms, if we plot
             of 0.2816.                       ing on these parameters, and     in function of time, not con-
               In this case, by subtracting the   we relate the actual consump-  sumption, with its difference with
             variance explained by the time-  tion to it, resulting in an Energy   the expected value (blue line), we
                                              Efficiency Index, which is shown   have a trend similar to the red
                                              in pre-central terms in Figure 5.  one in Figure 6.
             Figure 5 – EEI trend
             versus furnace life     EEI = (real specific consumption) / (expected specific consumption)

                                                                                              Figure 6 – noise
                                                                                             dynamic analysis

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