Page 41 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 41

At this point, the consumption quota that is    data to time, and then pushed it to the indetermina-
             not explained by modelling or by measured aging   tion of just 166 MJ/Ton by using modelling. These
             is represented in green, and it shows a 166 MJ/Ton   trends, with the variables implicit in the specific cases,
             average value, instead of the previous 884 MJ/Ton.  can be seen in other furnaces, such as:
               Therefore, starting from a variance of 884 MJ/
             Ton, we reduced it to 749 MJ/Ton by relating the                 Figure 7 – noise dynamic analysis

                                                       Or:                                               Figure 8–
                                                                                            noise dynamic analysis

               We examined 20 furnaces that present very dif-  filtration using a linear relation with time. The third
             ferent structural and production features, and the   shows what is left unexplained after the comparison
             result is summarized in the next table.           between data and model prediction, and time filtration.
               The first column shows the basic standard deviation   For a more in-depth analysis, we then evalu-
             data related to specific real consumption. The second   ated a possible correlation of the left residual
             shows the non-explained deviance after the first data   with the model parameters (pull, cullet, boosting)

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