Page 37 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5-2019
P. 37

Our recent visit to EMS

                                                                            gave us some inside

                                                                            information on the

                                                                            creation of this new

                                                                            group, made up of three

                                                                            important players in the

                                                                            cold-end sector of hollow

                                                                            glass manufacturing:

                                                                            Emmeti – Mectra – Sipac

                                                                            – Logik.

                                                                               to the fact that there was no
                                                                               interest in developing the tech-
                                                                               nology of our machines, and
                                                                               sales were based exclusively on
                                                                               financial results.
                                                                                 Our next step is not just
                                                                               to attract clients but to real-
                                                                               ly respond to their needs. This
                                                                               not only means new clients, but
                                                                               speaking to our ‘old’ clients who
                                                                               we have not been in touch with
                                                                               for some time.
                                                                                 So quite clear steps: indus-
                                                                               trialization of machines, R&D
                                                                               department, collaboration with
                                                                               universities … and EMS is even
                                                                               now becoming a reference name
                                                                               in the glass sector – once again.

                                                                                 Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories
                                                                               (GMP&A): Does this mean that the
                                                                               brand has remained or ….?
            in the secondary packaging sec-   position. We have already started   EMS: The history of the product
            tor as well as in the ‘end of line’.   on this project by hiring new   is its quality – that has remained
               This project aims at ‘push-    technical staff, as well as con-  – with machinery that is up and
            ing’ the brands in the sectors the   firming our staff already working   running smoothly even now –
            different companies work with,    in Emmeti. Our machinery will    after about 10 years! However,
            but also looking at expansion in   be overhauled with regards to   when clients who had replaced
            those sectors where the group     engineering aspects, making the   our machines with others start
            companies are market leaders.     brand much more aggressive.      to come back to us again, it is
               An example of this is Emmeti,    We have also seen that our     a clear example of our commit-
            market leader in machinery in     clients – both regular and other   ment to our work and clients –
            the 1990s, and which we now       that we have not been in touch   who are not just small companies
            want to take back to its leading   with for some time – often due   but big important groups.

                                                                         glass machinery plants & accessories 5/2019
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