Page 39 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5-2019
P. 39

GMP&A: We are also seeing an
                                                                               important comeback in the use of
                                                                               glass compared to plastic, which
                                                                               is a positive factor for the glass
                                                                               sector and its machinery manu-
                                                                                 EMS: In fact, our idea is to
                                                                               exploit this situation to the
                                                                               utmost because glassmakers will
                                                                               be investing in new lines with all
                                                                               the equipment required.

                                                                                 GMP&A: So, big changes going
                                                                               on, but there also seems to have
                                                                               been some important changes
                                                                               with regards to strategy and
                                                                               management – the previous situ-
                                                                               ation was that each company had
                                                                               its own management and strat-
                                                                               egy, but what about now?
                                                                                 EMS: Yes, it’s a lot different
                                                                               now – the opposite! Before there
                                                                               were different partners in each
                                                                               different company – carrying out
                                                                               different activities that were often
                                                                               complementary to one another
                                                                               but not always – but it was
                                                                               like being in-house competitors.
                                                                               Now, with all partners involved
                                                                               in the entire group, which will
                                                                               actually be merged completely
                                                                               at the end of October with the
                                                                               name EMS, this type of competi-
                                                                               tion has been eliminated.
                                                                                 The previous group of 13
                                                                               partners, which I was part of,
                                                                               as CEO of Mectra, sold to a
                                                                               private equity focusing mainly
                                                                               on industrialization, who invest
                                                                               in manufacturing companies of
                                                                               different sectors. We sold 100
                                                                               per cent of the shares of all four
                                                                               companies, and another partner
                                                                               and myself decided to reinvest
                                                                               in this new project as 5 per cent
                                                                                 And when we speak about
                                                                               investing, we are speaking about
                                                                               personnel, software and other
                                                                               connected aspects. I can say that
                                                                               in the past four months we have
                                                                               invested in more than one million
                                                                               Euro in software alone for CAD,
                                                                               changing the operative system
                                                                               completely, design system for

                                                                         glass machinery plants & accessories 5/2019
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