Page 40 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5-2019
P. 40

INTERVIEW                    acquisitions, are we speaking     around the end of August.
        Interview  production as lean and fast as   ing complementary companies   centages of the Group’s pres-
            electronics, and also to have eve-
                                             about competitors….?
            rything connected and making
                                                EMS: Our goal is that of acquir-
                                                                                 GMP&A: What are the per-
                                             that will lead us to have a com-
              We have also invested in post-
                                                                               ence in the various sectors:
                                             plete range of products (for the
                                                                               food and beverage, glass and
            sales…enabling remote assistance
                                             cold end). This means that we are
            and Augmented and Mixed reality.
                                                                                 EMS: With regards to our
              So you can see that all these
                                             looking for secondary packaging
                                             companies – upstream from pal-
            important investments are being
                                                                               turnover of EUR 130 million
            carried out to make the group
                                             letizing operations – quite impor-
                                                                               right now, we have EUR 35
            as productive as possible, more
                                                                               EUR 45 million from glass,
            aggressive on the market, and –
                                                Another area that we will be
                                                                               and the remaining part coming
            with other acquisitions – create
                                                                               from beverage.
            a type of group that can become   tant in the food and beverage    million coming from food,
                                             investing in is logistics – end-of-
            number one at global level in pal-  line – warehouses and all other
            letizing equipment.              connected aspects. There is also    GMP&A: So this means that
              The following step will be to give   the possibility of developing some   glass is continuing to be an
            the group another push to grow   kinds of technology directly in-  important part of your activi-
            even more, to become completely   house if there is the starting point   ties?
            industrialized and to create profit   and opportunity.                EMS: And we want it not
            on the investments made.            These complementary compa-     only to remain important but
                                             nies are Italian and the acquisi-  to become even more impor-
              GMP&A: When you speak about    tions are expected to take place   tant in the near future. We

               glass machinery plants & accessories 5/2019
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