Page 104 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 104


                     e are ready     groups. We have the tech-
                     to   respond    nology, skills and solutions
           “Wto the needs            for roller or spray applica-
           and demands in this sec-  tions, able to satisfy each
           tor undergoing consider-  and every demand from the
           able growth.” These is    market and clients.”
           how Stefano Mauri, co-    All this will be confirmed
           owner of Giardina Group   at Vitrum, where Giardina
           with his brother Riccardo,   Group will have a stand
           speaks about Giardina and   with TecnoFerrari, leading
           its presence at the upcom-  brand for digital printing.  and microwave systems.  is a particularly interesting
           ing edition of Vitrum – the                        “For some time now with   technology.”
           trade show on glass pro-  VITRUM – FLAGSHIP        important reference cli-
           cessing technology – tak-  PRODUCTS ON SHOW        ents, we have started to   R&D
           ing place in Milan in Oc-  At Vitrum, Giardina Group   experiment ideas devel-  Research and development
           tober.                    will have on show its prod-  oped for other sectors in   are the two key-words that
           “The strategies and invest-  ucts results from its com-  the glass sector too,” ex-  have that have character-
           ments that we have carried   mitment in the glass sector,   plains Stefano Tibè, Sales   ized the entire history of the
           out in the past few years   with machinery for roller   and Marketing Manager.   Giardina Group, and today
           have enabled us to further   and spray applications,   “Our ‘MOS’ technology   more than ever they are
           consolidate our presence in   as well as for drying. This   is demonstrating how mi-  the leit-motiv of a season
           a sector where we are now   last process, which has at-  crowaves can be extremely   of strong growth in all the
           a reference name, above   tracted the attention of nu-  efficient in the glass sector   sectors in which the group
           all for technology dedi-  merous glassmakers, and   too when certain finishes   is engaged, with machines
           cated to ‘large-sizes’ and   which is, without doubt, a   are required. Moreover, if   and complete plants for
           jumbo glass sheets, and we   flagship product of the Ital-  we combine top-level qual-  each and every technologi-
           have constructed several of   ian group, for use both in   ity results with very low en-  cal area. These range from
           these plants for the most   the production of glass and   ergy demand of this tech-  roller painting, powdering
           important   international  mirrors with UV, infrared   nology, it’s clear that MOS   and spraying, up to auto-

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