Page 105 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 105

mated and robotized lines   ero  Mauri  Innovation
           with hot air, UV or micro-  Centre – will be inaugu-
           wave drying systems; from   rated during Vitrum, and
           overhead lines to painting   which is the culmination
           booths and special systems,   of a history of skills, ex-
           to the most recent and in-  perience, research and
           novative ‘Zerogloss’ exci-  innovation that started al-
           mer technology.          most 50 years ago. These
                                    decades have been marked
           INNOVATION –             by the constant commit-
           A PERMANENT              ment to the development
           ‘OPEN HOUSE’             and realization of high-
           Since January 2018, pro-  tech solutions, machines
           duction activities have been   and systems designed,
           transferred to the large   together with clients, for
           premises of the Group in   those who will then have
           Figino Serenza, near Como,   to work every day with
           northern Italy, which is   those technologies, and
           the ‘historic’ premises of    offering the best possible
           Giardina Finishing. All pro-  solutions, whether more
           duction of Giardina’s entire   complex lines or the sim-
           product catalogue – for the   plest machines.
           glass, wood, plastic and   And the Group’s new slo-
           metal sectors – as well as   gan – ‘Painting the future!’
           for cement and composite   – speaks about the group’s
           materials, are now carried   will to always be one step
           out there.               ahead – in the future – and
           Another important step   to continue along the path
           will be the opening of the   of innovation.
           Group’s new show-room/   “This is the idea behind the
           laboratory – the Giampi-  Giampiero Mauri Innova-
                                    tion Center, which was es-
                                    sential to be able to make
                                    sure that innovations are
                                    not just on show at trade
                                    fairs, but are also available
                                    to retailers and custom-
                                    ers every day. This is why
                                                                                           Giardina Fi
                                    we decided to invest in a                              Giardina Finishing Srl
                                    new, 2,000+ square metre
                                    building dedicated to test-
                                    ing with all Giardina Group   A permanent open house
                                    technologies, available to   that will be a powerful im-
                                    anyone who wants to try out   age, communication and   Via Vico Necchi 63
                                    any type of machine with   sales tool but above all a   22060 Figino Serenza (CO) - Italy
                                    their own paint products,   continuous demonstration   Tel.: +39 - 031 - 7830801
                                    coatings or acid treatments,   of the quality and potential   Fax: +39 - 031 - 781650
                                    as well as spaces for meet-  of our group’s technolo-   E-mail:
                                    ings, seminars, opportuni-  gies and skills,” concluded
                                    ties for study and training.   Stefano Mauri.

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