Page 106 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 106


            GPD 2019


                  PD is always a dif-  portant industry sectors,   ences and meetings, but   is the spirit of GPD that
                  ficult to describe   all on an easy-going, ultra-  also with regards to social   will live on for generations
           G occasion – is it a      friendly level at all times.  events.              to come.
           conference? A networking   This year’s event was no   Held 26–28 June in Tam-
           event? A trade show? The   different, and with a num-  pere, Finland, this year is   HIGHLIGHTS
           answer is not really diffi-  ber of ‘regular’ attendees   the 27th year since the con-  FROM GPD 2019
           cult as we all know – it is a   – including Glass-Tech-  ference was established.   This year, over 1,000 del-
           combination of all this and   nology International, this   According to the founding   egates from around the
           much more. An occasion    year’s special event provide   father and mastermind of   world participated in total,
           to meet up with your peers,   the usual mix of knowledge   the event Jorma Vitkala:   including those who at-
           but also with top people   and networking atmos-   “knowledge grows when     tended the Helsinki High
           from some of the most im-  phere during the confer-  knowledge is shared.” This   Rise seminar, the Manage-

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