Page 107 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 107

This year’s GPD,
                                                                                        ment Forum guests and the
                                                                with attendees          local Tampere workshops.
                                                                                        GPD 2019 set records in
                                                                coming from the         many ways. A total of 242
                                                                                        presentations offered by a
                                                              world over to find         world-class line-up of 220
                                                                                        speakers both set new re-
                                                           out how the glass            cords. An all-time high of
                                                                                        280 first-timers attended,
                                                      sector is developing and          marking a transition to
                                                                                        pants. These will be some
                                       improving, took place in an atmosphere           of the upcoming ambas-
                                                                                        sadors to carry on making
                                       that was celebrative in all ways possible.       GPD a truly one-of-a-kind
                                                                                        forum for openly sharing
                                       But this time, the event was also a              ideas, innovations and in-
                                       spectacular occasion for Chairman                During the first-ever Man-
                                                                                        agement Forum held in con-
                                                                                        junction with GPD, a panel
                                       Jorma Vitkala to say ‘goodbye’.                  of seven outstanding speak-
                                                                                        ers presented their per-
                                                                                        spectives on mind-blowing

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